Dr. Trellis Calloway helped to develop the mission and vision of IAMBK, Inc. and has served as its Volunteer Executive Director since 2010. In addition to her service with IAMBK, Dr. Calloway has been employed as an administrator in state government for 13 years, helping to develop a program ranked high in quality across the nation, meeting the needs of young children and families in Alabama.
Dr. Calloway graduated from Auburn High School with honors, began her work with youth and families in the community, received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Family and Child Development from Auburn University, taught infant development, child development, and preschool curriculum and methods at Berry College in Rome, Georgia, and proceeded to obtain her doctorate in Child and Family Development from the University of Georgia. While engaged in academic studies, Dr. Calloway has filled the roles of consultant, program director, research coordinator, lecturer, parent educator, youth coordinator, tutor, and teacher in early care and education. She has published articles, presented in conferences, and is a member of several professional organizations including the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), and National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI). Dr. Calloway has completed additional coursework in Grant Writing, Event Planning, Fundraising, and Non-Profit Management.
Dr. Calloway’s contribution to humanity is to provide leadership and to support youth, families, and professionals in developing skills that they need to make informed decisions about their well-being, relationships, & resources to achieve optimum quality of life. She collaborates with diverse groups of individuals from academia, business, support groups, other non-profits, and government to create and maintain state of the art, model programs that make a difference in local communities, integrating high quality research with practice. Dr. Calloway firmly believes and is governed by the idea that with a little faith, skill, persistence, and determination….”each one can reach one.” We can all make a difference.
Board of Directors:
(from left to right: Shakendra Edwards, Sequari Ware, Trellis Calloway, Montavious Ray, Scott Ketring, Adrienne Duke [not shown], Wilma Core [not shown]